I’ve Deleted My Facebook

I’ve deleted my Facebook account. I know that they have some of my data and others can provide them with photos, etc. so they’ll still have some record of me on their platform. I’ve deleted it for a couple of reasons, which are:

  1. I’m sick of seeing political posts on Facebook. Its too easy to “share” fake stories and I’m tired of seeing the same lies repeated over and over again.
  2. I feel bad visiting the site. Its a waste of time and I should be doing something productive with that time. The same goes for other social media, its a time suck with little value given back. I need to cut back in other social media as well.
  3. They have too much data. They have your photos, your likes, your dislikes, your shares, what you’ve seen, places you’ve visited on the web and in real life, who you interact with, all of your private conversations in messenger, and probably track your location so they know all the places you frequent in the real world. Its scary and I don’t want to freely give that to them.

I’m going to just one thing though:

  1. People’s photos and stories of what they’re doing and where they’ve been. Especially family and friends that have moved away and don’t see anymore. Its a single network to reach out to them since everyone is on it.

I might go back though, and just follow these rules:

  1. Only spend a maximum of 30 minutes a week on the site.
  2. Use a browser that will delete all of their tracking cookies.
  3. Never post photos or stay logged into the site for long.
  4. Push people to other platforms to stay in touch, without all the shitty data-gathering and tracking if they become available.

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